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2024- Darvin president Will Harris and Darvin Employees attend South Suburban Crisis Center Gala
2024- Darvin president Will Harris and Darvin Employees attend South Suburban Crisis Center Gala

February 24, 2024:
South Suburban Crisis Center Gala

Darvin Furniture & Mattress President Will Harris as well as other Darvin employees attend "A Stroll Through Spain" annual Gala. The gala was held at the Odyssey Country Club. This year, the Crisis Center for South Suburbia launched the “Not One More Life Lost” campaign with the goal of doubling community education efforts so that no one will ever have to lose a life to domestic violence because they didn’t know where to go for safety and help.

Darvin attends Crisis Center for South Suburbia Gala
2024- Darvin president Will Harris and Darvin Employees attend South Suburban Crisis Center Gala
2024- Darvin president Will Harris and Darvin Employees attend South Suburban Crisis Center Gala
2024- Darvin president Will Harris and Darvin Employees attend South Suburban Crisis Center Gala